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sandra and i are looking to purchase a house.

this is a 'territorial' style ... too much trim wood to have to keep in good shape. we're in a *very* dry and harsh climate here.

this is a 'northern new mexico' style. i like this best, but it costs more than the standard 'pueblo' model (which, unfortunately, i didn't get a pic of on sunday).

you'll see why i like it in a minute ...

i *love* cathedral ceilings. don't like the heating/cooling bills. but i like the openness.

it's probably 90 degrees out, but i had to try warming my hands at the fireplace ...

we'll most likely go for the 'pueblo' model, for many reasons. lower maintenance, better resale, etc.

this is the kind of ceiling we want in our house. the big beams are called 'vigas' and the branches in the herringbone pattern are called 'latillas'. this is a traditional style of building here in new mexico.